We are grateful to have our friend, Malcolm Hall, with us to embark on a new carpentry project, making a gate for our Kindness Garden. If you have not done so already, learn to measure, use tools, cut and organize wood pieces, and add hinges.
There will also be a post sanding, painting and decorating project to design and make colorful posts for the Meadow Farm and to take home. We will view different design options and organize in stations within Malcolm House while enjoying time and snacks together. Something for everyone!
If you are already a member of our Project Stewardship program, please register using the “Member” registration below. If you would like to become a member, please add both the “Project Stewardship Program” and “Member” registration to your cart. If you would simply like to join us for a single session, please purchase the “Standard” registration below. You can then add additional sessions to your cart.