Parents and professionals are welcome to participate in our Community Support Group to learn more about the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) approach developed by Dr. Ross W. Greene to assist families and schools in working with young people to solve problems and build skills, minimizing challenging behavior.
During this meeting, Dr. Lisa LoPionto will guide attendees in addressing the concerns and problem situations expressed during our last “Skill-Building Solutions” session and/or this one by practicing “Plan B” through role-play. CPS Resources will also be provided. Feel free to bring your completed ASUP (Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problem sheet).
Dr. LoPinto is a clinical psychologist in private practice who also offers CPS family skills training. She is a certified CPS provider/trainer who consults with, trains and offers school district supervisions in the CPS approach. Christine Keller has advanced training in the CPS approach, established the Community Support Group in 2008 and utilizes CPS in her work with young people at Sangha Education Center.